Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Technology (CRR)

In my English class we are talking about technology. Technology is used for many occasions. It has a lot of positives and negatives. The good things about technology is that it can help find and do research on anything. You can communicate with people through cell phone and social networking. It can help you with homework and also learn around the world. One of the most famous website to search for basically anything is "Google". Google can search up anything you need help on. The danger teenagers face in dealing with technology is that their brains can become more easily habituated to become attached to technology, than adult brains to constantly switching tasks and less able to sustain to support and strengthen attention. What makes me curious about technology is what if there were no technology? We would probably be lost and not know anything of what we know now because in today's society, technology is a major part in our lives to help us learn new things and help us with our work.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, it is interesting to think about. Even fifteen years ago, people were interacting with technology in completely different ways than they do today.
